Monday, May 7, 2012


Turquoise cotton and fuchsia fleece

It is autumn down here in the Middle Earth. The days are getting shorter and colder. But autumn is my favourite season. I enjoy the different hues of deciduous trees, the brown leaves on my walkway and the beautiful architecture of  almost barren trees. It is a good time to reflect and pause to ponder..

However, with the looming darker and colder days, my living room needs some colours to lift up the sombre mood. My ash coloured sofa and monotone brown curtain probably are not much of a help either. I can change the sofa or put up a brighter curtain, but I am on a very tight budget.

So, I decided to give my throw cushions(again covered in the brown curtain material!) brand new covers. I gave this Petal Pillow Tutorial  from my favourite blogger, Cluck Cluck Sew, a go and used complementary colours on the colour wheel to achieve maximum impact. 

I have to say that these colours did what I intended them to do. The splashes of bright colours lifted up the neutral monotony of my living room and the first thing that caught the eye!

I see many more appearances of this petal arrangements on T-shirts and bags!!

All materials are from $1 a bag scrap I got from Hospice Shop and it is certainly cheaper than replacing the sofa or the curtain!

Soft pink fleece and light green cotton

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