Saturday, May 19, 2012


Lately, the stork has been busy delivering bundles of joy to my friends. Another friend Z, has been blessed with a baby girl. So, this quilt was made with lots of love for the new arrival using the same pattern as before.

I wish I could make a sweet pink one, to comply with the distinctive gender specific. But I don't have pink combo scraps in my stash and keeping true to my principles, I try to be economical in my craft. Remember - reduce, reuse, recycle!

I settled with what I have - the middle yellow and blue material is twill bought at $1 per metre at Hospice Shop, the rest are all scraps from my previous dress-making and projects.

I like the idea of using flannel sheet as batting as it gives weight for the blanket. For the backing, I used fleece which I bought on sale at Spotlight for $5.59 per metre.

I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have making it for you Baby M. Welcome to the wonderful world!

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